Kindle users who buy their books directly from Amazon and download them from the Kindle Store to their e-reader may not always want to read all their books, newspapers, and magazines on this device. Kindle Converter allows them to transform their DRM-protected AZW, KF8, and KFX books into PDF, MOBI, EPUB, Word, RTF, TXT, and HTML files that many other software and hardware e-readers can handle.
Kindle Converter is not a tool to circumvent your e-books’ DRM protection but to transfer them legally to another device. To guarantee that you have lawful access to those e-books, you’ll be asked to type in your Kindle Serial Number whenever you decide to transfer your books from your Kindle to your PC and from there to a different e-reader via Kindle Converter. The conversion process will certainly remove the file’s DRM protection, but that is a legal and necessary step required to enjoy your lawfully-acquired books on a different platform. You can convert a single book or your entire collection to the format of your choice. Regrettably, the option to convert different books into different formats in one single operation has not been implemented yet.
The conversion process is not a one-way street. Thus, you can convert books in any the formats supported (EPUB, PDF, Word, etc.) into MOBI so that you can read them on your Kindle. Actually, you can perform all kinds of e-book conversions between the formats supported and thus port your books and magazines to as many devices and platforms as you see fit. more